Monday, September 30, 2013

Kirsten's Wigs Came!

A while ago I ordered Kirsten some new wigs, because her old pink wig got really frizzy! Kirsten, Kirsten, Kirsten, your hair is always frizzy! But hopefully now it wont be, because I got her some new straight wigs, and I know to be super careful with it! If you want to know, I got them from Coolcat on eBay. The listing was for both of them, and it was super cheap, I would've bought it even if it was only one wig! The reason they were so cheap though is because they apparently had a defect. I asked the woman and she said there was a kink in the hair. There really isn't... The bangs are cut kinda badly cut and have a small kinky thing, but its really not that bad. The quality of the actual hair is super good, its sooo soft! I guess I just got a really good deal! xD

I can't stop stroking the pink one xD
It's cool to see Kirsty in a different style! She sure does look different! I think the blue wig looks cool, too, its the same color as her eyes.
I have no clue if I will keep the pink one always on, or the blue one always on, or just switch then whenever.
If you're reading this, comment which one you like better!



  1. The blue!! Its a nice change from electric pink to electric blue.

  2. I like the blue one! It's cute and modern to me... Very fitting for Kirsten!
    So, I've been recently into the customization thing, and I've been wondering where you buy yours...? Sorry to be annoying in any way LOL


    1. Thanks! I bought the wigs from coolcat on ebay. The wigs are actually made for blythe dolls but they're the same size. Another good place is blythism on etsy! And your not annoying at all, I just realized that I actually didn't say where I got them! xD I'll go add it right now.

  3. I really really really LOVE the pink one! Also the new video you uploaded is AMAZING!


  4. The blue l love it how it kind of highlights! My doll's hair is wrecked so i really want to buy one of those wigs!:)~Alex<3

  5. I actually have a question...and this is probably dumb, but do all "Blythe-sized" wigs fit American Girl Doll heads? Because I was looking at the seller that sells these wigs and I would like to buy some, but I just want to make sure that they would fit my dolls head! Thanks:)

  6. Haha never mind! I just read one of your earlier comments and it answered my question!

  7. I think the pink one is super cute, but you can use the blue. It's your doll, after all.
